About Us
Our History
Due to a shortage in child care facilities in the early 1990’s in the downtown business district of St. Petersburg, and in response to the needs expressed by many working parents , Christ United Methodist Church decided to open the Hortin Child Development Center. It is so named because of Paul R. Hortin who had been the pastor here for many years, and who always wanted to start just such a service for the community. The school actually opened its doors on September 30, 1991. It is licensed for up to fifty-two 2-6 year olds through Pinellas County License Board.
Means of Communications
The Center makes great effort to keep parents informed about events, schedules, and classroom information. We issue a monthly newsletter, we have two bulletin boards in the main hallway, we put notes in the child’s take-home file, and we verbally communicate daily. Our responsibility is to inform; the parents have the responsibility to take time to read the boards, the newsletter, and other means of communication. The extent of success in communications depends on both parties doing their part.
As always, should there ever be any questions or concerns about anything at the Center, parents should feel free to contact the Director or Assistant.
Hours of Operation
The Center is open year-round 6:30AM to 6:00PM Monday through Friday.
The Center will always be closed for major holidays listed below (if there is a reason to close for any other days, you will be given sufficient notice).
- New Year’s Day
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving Day & Friday
- Christmas Eve / possibly 1-2 other days
- Christmas Day
We provide longer hours than many centers; we do this to fit varied family schedules and career demands. In case of emergency, if you know you will be picking up later than the stated hours, please call us to let us know.
Pick Up Late Fee: If parents arrive for pick-up late there is a $10 fee at 6:05 and it is a dollar/minute after that.
The Staff
You will find the the long-term Hortin Staff to be professional and courteous, as well as experienced. All have either a teaching degree, AA degree, or the CDA (Child Development Associate) Credential. All staff continue their own education with at least ten hours of training a year as well as keeping their First Aid and CPR credentials updated.
Community Involvement
The school participates in a number of community related projects throughout the year.
- Collect non-perishable foods for ASAP.
- Collect coins in a piggy bank to buy Christmas gifts for a needy family in the community and for Toys for Tots.
- Sing carols for retirees at Princess Martha.
- Collect items for Operation Shoebox.