We operate the Center for children ages 2-6 (pre-Kindergarten). Children must be at least 2 years old before they are eligible for enrollment, as we are not licensed to take any child prior to their 2nd birthday.
Due to changes in enrollment with times of the year, as well as possible influx of one age group over another, we may have a split 2&3 room, 3&4 room, etc. In any case, we will always have the appropriate number of staff to cover the classroom enrollment. For example, there will always be at least one adult for every 10 two year olds, one adult for every 15 three year olds, etc., following the ratio guidelines set by the county.
No child will be admitted to the Center unless the records required by our governing agency are on file. You will receive the paperwork to be completed and returned prior to your child’s enrollment; please ask the Director if you have any questions about these forms. We also offer the state-funded VPK class for 4-5 year old children. Please ask the Director about eligibility for these programs.
Tuition Rates
Tuition amounts are subject to change at the discretion of the center, with sufficient notice to you.
Without Church Member Discount
Attending | Monthly | Bi-Weekly |
5 full days | $850.00 | $425.00 |
3 full days | $750.00 | $375.00 |
5 half days | $750.00 | $375.00 |
VPK Wrap Fee | $450 | N/A |
With Church Discount (MUST attend 2 services per month)
Attending | Monthly | Bi-Weekly |
5 full days | $830.00 | $415.00 |
3 full days | $730.00 | $365.00 |
5 half days | $730.00 | $365.00 |
VPK Wrap Fee | $450.00 | N/A |
- Hortin Center does participate in the state-funded VPK program. To qualify for VPK, your child must turn 4 on or before September 1st. If your child only attends school during VPK hours, the state covers their tuition. If your child will attend school before and/or after VPK hours, you will need to pay the VPK wrap fee.
Registration/Supply Fee
This fee is $170 annually, split into two $85 installments. A new enrollee would pay $85 at the time of enrollment, and then every April 1st and October 1st thereafter. This fee is used for the child’s school supplies, consumable art materials, snack foods, insurance, and special events.
There is no discount for church members for the registration/supply fee.
Payment Reminders
- There is no tuition reimbursement for days missed for illness, vacation, holidays, etc., within your child’s first year here. After one full year of enrollment, you will receive one free week of tuition to be used for vacation, etc.
- A $10 late charge will be incurred if tuition is more than two days late. An additional $5 will be charged for each subsequent day that tuition is late. After one week of late payment, we will assume you wish to terminate enrollment, we’ll contact you, and we will open up the space for another child on the waitlist. If you wish to re-enroll your child, you will need to pay another Registration/Supply Fee, and you will have to wait for the next available classroom vacancy.
- Payment may be made with cash, check or credit card. Checks should be made out to HORTIN (we do not have a stamp for checks).
- Returned checks will incur a charge of $20. You will need to repay the amount of the check plus the $20 charge. If there is more than one returned check, all subsequent payments will have to be made in cash only.